- Introduction to O:FR
- Beginning of a Story
- Scenario Generator
- Wars 1920—1940
- Errata
- Languages of the World
- Portrait Gallery
- Name Generator
- Companies of O:FR
- The Central Library
- King's Cross Badminton Club
- Rambouillet Owners Guild
- Wales Christian Brass Or...
- Oxford’s Reserve Post Office
- Exotic Game Travel Agency
- Circus Radii-Dali
- Gurniwal’s Home of Retir...
Gurniwal’s Home of Retired Veterans
The VeteransGurniwal’s Home of Retired Veterans
The focus of this company is up to the Game Master to decide. Maybe the players are interested in creating their own company, or did they burn down the home during their first mission?
Undercover Operations Against Paranormal Opponents.
Part 2G:Gurniwal’s Home of Retired Veterans
Companies of OFR
Governing body of O:FR
The Central Library
Chief Librarian Lord Cunnighamn
The seven companies & their respective leaders
King's Cross Badminton Club
— The Players
President Sir Percy Carmichael
Rambouillet Owners Guild
— The Rams
Chairman Colonel Cassius “Charging” McGregor
Wales Christian Brass Orchestra
— The Band
Director Bishop Charles Bishop
Oxford’s Reserve Post Office
— The Mailmen
Superintendent Professor Eric Woolworth
Exotic Game Travel Agency
— The Poachers
Managing Director Roger Hempher
Circus Radii-Dali
— The Artists
Circus Director Lucifer Starfish
Gurniwal’s Home for Retired Veterans
— The Veterans
Warden Doctor Margaret Murray