- Introduction to O:FR
- Beginning of a Story
- Scenario Generator
- Wars 1920—1940
- Errata
- Languages of the World
- Portrait Gallery
- Name Generator
- Companies of O:FR
- The Central Library
- King's Cross Badminton Club
- Rambouillet Owners Guild
- Wales Christian Brass Or...
- Oxford’s Reserve Post Office
- Exotic Game Travel Agency
- Circus Radii-Dali
- Gurniwal’s Home of Retir...
Clarifications and Errata
To err is human. We thought we might collect some our clarifications or mistakes here. Please do not be shy and help us improve this product. Leave a comment in this post.
The Life Board
Starting sqaure on Clandestine: Seduce is Attractiveness.
A way home
7. Moving on
10. Showbiz
Party, party
Never Boring
12. Clandestine
Spiritual quest
The Unkown
5. Aura +3
Middle East & North Africa
Unstable area
5. Military training
Hospital & Rehab
Signing out
10. Investigate
Character Sheet (version October 2009)
Vehicle Skills
Two Parachute skills. One should be Motorcycle, write Motorcycle in Other Skills if you have this version of the Character Sheet. You can always download the latest version in products.
Main Rulebook
Page 111
92 Sausages hunter, "diedie" should of course be "die".