- Introduction to O:FR
- Beginning of a Story
- Scenario Generator
- Wars 1920—1940
- Errata
- Languages of the World
- Portrait Gallery
- Name Generator
- Companies of O:FR
- The Central Library
- King's Cross Badminton Club
- Rambouillet Owners Guild
- Wales Christian Brass Or...
- Oxford’s Reserve Post Office
- Exotic Game Travel Agency
- Circus Radii-Dali
- Gurniwal’s Home of Retir...
Collecting stamps, going to the pub or just fighting evil? operation: fallen reich is a role playing game set in the Second World War. The heroes are a team of colourful and more or less effective British citizens with distinct personalities. They must leave their previous professions and hobbies to form secrete teams with sensitive missions. Such a team may consist of a polite fighter aces, a blasé big game hunter, a dare devil fashion designer and a very understanding upper class drone. It’s their task to track down and stop evil, hopefully in time for tea...
From court line to front line
Despite its World War Two setting the game is not at all a pure war game — but it could be. A scenario could be set at a tennis championship Midsummer, on an archaeological digging in Peru, in the London subway or on a raid against a SS-headquarter right in the war zone. The period provides unlimited possibilities in a world trembling by the force of humanity’s greatest conflict.
The rather smashing Life Board
The characters are of the highest importance to the game. Preferably they are generated by the so called Life Board, a wonderful new way of creating good characters. By rolling a dice and drawing cards on the extensive Life Board, a complete character with skills, personalities and even a full background story can be created in less than an hour. A rather amusing hour that is, which is fortunate as the players usually have a few characters to choose from. It is also good to have a few dashing (or not so dashing) heroes in reserve, fighting evil is rather hefty work and the casualty rates tend to be high.
Does the concept confuse you? Let us do the following definition:
Imagine the X-files set in WW2 with Moulder and Scully exchanged to Wooster and Jeeves.