- Introduction to O:FR
- Beginning of a Story
- Scenario Generator
- Wars 1920—1940
- Errata
- Languages of the World
- Portrait Gallery
- Name Generator
- Companies of O:FR
- The Central Library
- King's Cross Badminton Club
- Rambouillet Owners Guild
- Wales Christian Brass Or...
- Oxford’s Reserve Post Office
- Exotic Game Travel Agency
- Circus Radii-Dali
- Gurniwal’s Home of Retir...

The Colorful Companies
of Operation: Fallen Reich
Each player may belong to a special company within the Operation: Fallen Reich and each company has a distinctive identity and are governed by peculiar commanders. It’s up to the Game Master to decide on the right company for the players.
Learn all about the colourful characters and companies that make up Operation: Fallen Reich.
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Collecting stamps, going to the pub or just fighting evil? operation: fallen reich is a role playing game set in the Second World War.
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Beginning of a Story
Andrews stopped dead. Herbert Gordon was lying flat on his extremely untidy working table. His shirt ripped open and most of his intestines outside his body, smearing and drenching notes, papers and books.
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100 Million Scenarios
Generate a random scenario, 100 million possible outlines for you to start playing from.
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Need a war for your character generation?
When using the Life Board some areas could be historically tricky to get into a characters story. One of these is the War Zone. While the 1920's and 1930's were unruly times few know about all the full scale wars that actually took place during this period. Here is a summary of them:
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Clarifications and Errata
To err is human. We thought we might collect some our clarifications or mistakes here. Please do not be shy and help us improve this product.
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Languages of the world
Traveling the sea, exploring the deserts or walking the paved streets — everywhere you go knowledge about culture and language will be an advantage. This is a reference list for languages, sorted by areas from the LifeBoard.
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Portrait Gallery
In this gallery you'll be able to download pictures to use for characters, npc or just for inspiration. All images are released with a creative commons license, share and share a like.
We have planned a gallery for a long time, but we got so inspired by Magnus Edlund's blog post. He graciously approved that we used his old photographs as reference for our first batch of pictures.
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O:FR Name Generator
The O:FR British Gentleman & Lady Name Generator will fullfill all your character or NPC name needs. A myriad of names are just a click away.
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